Winners of the "10 Days Til Christmas" NLWS 2024 Calendar

Winners of the "10 Days Til Christmas" NLWS 2024 Calendar

Saturday Dec 23 winners are Tom Ticket #5850, Linda Ticket #5524, Marty Ticket #6383, Malcolm Ticket #6172, Marieka Ticket #5137, Len Ticket #5020, Donald Ticket #4774, Catherine Ticket #5069 and Trish Ticket #5630
You all will receive each a NLWS 2024 Calendar.

As the holiday season brings its joy and cheer, we at the Northern Lights Wildlife Society would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to everyone who participated in our "10 Days Til Christmas" event. Your enthusiasm and support in purchasing tickets for this special occasion have played a vital role in our ongoing efforts to protect and nurture wildlife.

Your participation goes beyond just attending an event; it directly contributes to our mission of rescuing, rehabilitating, and releasing animals back into their natural habitats. The Northern Lights Wildlife Society is dedicated to ensuring the well-being of wildlife in British Columbia, and your support enables us to continue this critical work. From providing medical care to orphaned animals to educating the public about wildlife conservation, every ticket sold brings us closer to achieving these goals.

During this season of giving, your generosity shines brightly, reflecting the true spirit of the holidays. Your support not only helps us care for the animals but also strengthens our commitment to make a positive difference in their lives. We are deeply thankful for your contribution and are proud to have you as part of our community.

Wishing you a joyful holiday season filled with peace and happiness.


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